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All content copyright 2010 by Chelsea Biondolillo. Seriously.

Monday, May 30, 2011

365 days of being a writer: day 285

I worked on what I hope is my final re-write of the hummingbird essay. As I was going through, I focused on making the connections between the separate sections a little less vague. I spelled a few things out, because I forget to do that often. I also sent a follow-up question to one of my sources, here's hoping she responds in time for me to submit this thing one last time before summer.

The following interlude has almost nothing to do with "being a writer": Since it still counted as birthday weekend, I took in what was left of my to-sell-books and a pile of to-sell-CDs and DVDs to a local record/bookstore. They gave me an incredible deal and I picked up two more books from my reading list, a couple that weren't (Short Cuts, Dubliners, and The Road) and several movies (Short Cuts, Blade Runner, Run, Lola, Run, Ghost Dog, Life Aquatic and The Squid and The Whale). Who wants to come over and talk about short stories and watch movies?

Even though today was technically a holiday, I still got in a walk, did a Spanish lesson, and worked on my writing to-do list for at least 45 minutes. Let's call that WINNING.

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